Title: Again...
Circle / Artist / Author: Rei-Pro / Rei Himura
Size: B5 Pages: 34
Series: Guardian Force
Type: Normal / Shounen-ai
Published: August 11, 2000
Missing scene from the 'Zoid Hunters' episode in which Ban and Irvine's reunion is a
bit more touchy-feely than shown on screen.
Title: A-M-T!
Circle / Artist / Author: Natsuki Yuhnoske
Size: A5 Pages: 84
Series: Zoids, Guardian Force
Type: Gag / Shounen-ai
Published: March 18, 2001
Anthology of the artist's previous doujinshi Zoid's Anecdote, Zoid's Manifesto and
Tomas Go (Thomas Issue) minus the novels by Saitou Isam that is usually part of each doujinshi. You
can find my comments on the content of the three individual books on the site. Also includes an exclusive
little short with a young Ban, Fine and Thomas (in dog form), with Thomas being his usual hostile self
with Ban.
Title: Ba Ba Ba Ban
Circle / Artist / Author: Potechin Head / Kopurin Matsuzou
Size: B5 Pages: 30
Type: Gag / Shounen-ai + Novel
Series: Guardian Force
Published: December 10, 2000
Mainly Ban x Irvine in nature. Also has a nice little short involving Ban and Thomas
talking/worrying about something that's going to happen the next day, then of course Ban mentions
something about Fine which causes Thomas a fresh bout of anguish.
Title: Ban Ban Ban
Circle / Artist / Author: Potechin Head / Kopurin Matsuzou
Size: B5 Pages: 28
Type: Gag / Shounen-ai + Novel
Series: Zoids, Guardian Force
Published: October 22, 2000 / December 29, 2000 (2nd Run)
3 short shounen-ai themed gags. Ban x Irvine with some Ban x Raven. Fine also makes
an appearance to plot something (and look slightly creepy at the same time). My favorite image in this
book happens to be a sketch in the author's notes of Ban holding a plushie Fine and Irvine. Also,
book-wise, while most reprints of books are usually identical, the 2nd run of this book features a
different set of author's notes and sketch and moves a few pages around.
Title: Bang!!
Circle / Artist / Author: Potechin Head / Kopurin Matsuzou
Size: B5 Pages: 22
Type: Gag / Shounen-ai + Novel
Series: Zoids, Guardian Force, Zoids Ø
Published: March 18, 2001
Another part of the Raven x Ban serial spanning the series. The obligatory Ban x
Irvine gag (this time with Ban and Rudolf disguised as girls), and a cute little short in which Thomas
mistakenly believes that Karl is also after Fine, but then finds out that Karl is interested in Ban. Of
course Ban instead in interested in Thomas. The backcover features one of my favorite images of Karl!
Title: Crash
Circle / Artist / Author: Trabajos
Size: B5 Pages: 26
Type: Gag
Series: Guardian Force
Published: March 25, 2001
A collection of gags in which Thomas seems to feature a lot in.
Title: Crazy Dreamer
Circle / Artist / Author: Yum-Yum / Nozawa Hiroki
Size: B5 Pages: 34
Type: Gag / Normal
Series: Zoids
Published: June 25, 2000
Mainly a bunch of gags, one or two which might be a bit shounen-ai themed, I can't
really tell. And there's one, if I'm interpreting it correctly, that attemps to explain why Fiona becomes
rather well endowed in the GF half of the series. Little detail about the cover -- the little stars in the
corners are actually cutouts.